We are back!
After four successful mass actions against the fossil industry, we have shown Belgium what people power could do. While we were busy shutting down fossil fuel industries, other harmful companies thought they could continue their business of destroying the environment at a high price for people and planet. But our eyes are everywhere. We have watched farmers stand up to demand for justice, as they are struggling to get by. Meanwhile, the agro-industry makes records profits with overpriced food. Like the fossil industry, these companies destroy biodiversity and public health, making us pay for their huge profits with exorbitant food prices.
For those that might not be super familiar:
Agro-industry are the big companies that process, sell and distribute the products of farmers.
We stand with farmers who resist the power of those big companies. We believe it’s time to take back our food system and turn our people power against these big money-hungry companies.
The target
We are targeting the big bad companies of the agro-industry. As always, we are keeping the exact target a secret since for some unknown reason the State usually tries to stop us…
But do not worry, it will be worth it.