Packing list

/!\ Packing list updated for Code Red 3 /!\

To take with you per affinity group:

  • 1 go-pass / rail-pass per affinity group
  • A small emergency kit for minor injuries

To take with you personally:

Day Action 

“Pack light, come discrete”

  • Sturdy and warm shoes that can get dirty and wet
  • Waterproof outer layers: jacket, pants + rain cover for backpack (only if rain is guaranteed)
  • Warm and sufficient base layers + gloves, extra pair of socks, buffs
  • Glasses and Cap/hat (useful for different purposes: protection from the sun, pepper spray, anonymity,…)
  • Something to hide your face (scarf, mask, neck warmer, …)
  • Survival / heat blanket – useful for cold and sun
  • Food: bring enough for 1 day (meals and snacks)
  • Bottles of water (about 2 liters per person), of which at least one with a sport cap
  • Toilet paper
  • Medicines you will need for the duration of the action and any detention time.
  • Extra-strong fast-drying superglue & glitter
  • Printed copy of identity card (not obligatory, to be destroyed before action)
  • Some money
  • for the way back to camp in case of arrest and release  far away (of course we try to provide transport in this case!).
  • to donate for food and action materials (you can also donate online before the action).
  • Something comfy to sit on with isolation properties
  • Still have your white overall? Bring it! Otherwise will be provided by CR

For those who intend spending the night

“There is no such thing as bad weather for action, only bad gear

  • Warm sleeping bag and small mat/mattress (pack in plastic bags so they stay dry)
  • Flashlight or headlamp
  • Extra warm layers (pack in plastic bags so they stay dry)
  • Plate or bowl + spoon
  • More food (enough for 24h)
  • (Lightweight) tent or tarpaulin per affinity group


What to leave at home:

  • Your mobile phone/smartphone
  • Anything that contains gas
  • Anything that contains information about you (e.g. diaries, private phones, towels with your name on them…).
  • Anything that could be considered a weapon (yes, even your favorite pocket knife).
  • Do not wear contact lenses or use oily creams or make-up, in case the police use tear gas or pepper spray.
  • Avoid jewelery that could be uncomfortable if you  come into contact with the police (e.g. when they clear a blockade).
  • Camera (plenty of pictures will be taken by our photographers).
  • And of course, a blockade is not the right place to consume or carry alcohol and illegal drugs.