Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Security – JEDIS

We want climate activism to be inclusive and so we commit not to exclude groups from society. To make a conscious effort that the struggle for justice cannot be done without recognition of and alongside queer justice, racial justice, justice for people with disabilities, women’s rights, indigenous rights and human rights.

We are creating a place where justice, equality, diversity, inclusion and security stand central. This means actively striving to reject systems of oppression within Code Red and beyond.

We are taking the necessary steps to make the action as accessible as possible. There is still a lot of work to be done and we want to improve. If you would like to give us advice or actively help, please do not hesitate to contact us.


We are trying to build a broader and more inclusive coalition.


We create inclusive actions to be accessible to people with visible or non-visible disabilities. We offer a buddy system to accompany people with disabilities.


The principles of Justice, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Safety are part of the training programme.


Prior to the action, we will hold a legal briefing, including information about the specific risks for women, LGBTQIA+ people, non-whites, foreigners and minors and police violence.

We are working with legal observers to monitor police violence.

We work on a principle of solidarity between all organisations and all people participating in action.

Sustainable activism

We take care of activists. Before, during and after the action.


We try to ensure accessibility and safety for everyone, while respecting the environment.

Volunteer babysitters can look after the children of parents participating in the action.


We ask anyone with symptoms of COVID 19 not to participate in the action. If you have no symptoms: please self-test before the action, and wear a mouth mask in indoor areas.

Download the JEDIS Handbook here